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About the Artist

About Us

The Artist
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Hi! I am Julia, I am a Bathurst Local living in a rural village on the outskirts of Bathurst NSW


So a bit about me;

I come from an Artist + Designer background and qualification.

As 1 of 6 children, a twin and aunty of way too many kids :P (I am kidding you can't have too many children )  so I am  extremely sentimental.

I have also been drawing and taking photos from a very young age so I guess I just kind of mashed all my passions together leading me to study design and become an artist and photographer.

 NOW... I am a mother of 1 beautiful little girl I get to love with my amazing and supportive partner.

 am lucky enough to create art with families and enjoy everything to do with families and children to make wonderful memories. 








'Be yourself and embrace others, it's the key to your own strength and happiness and It also reflects in the ones around you'.

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For those with a love or art, I will have a page available for my artworks in the very near future so keep an eye out for the link

Bathurst Photographer 
Bathurst Pet Photographer
Brisbane Pet Photographer
Bathurst Newborn Photographer
Bathurst Birth Photographer
Bathurst Family Photographer
Brisbane Family Photographer
Brisbane Photographer


Julia Adams | Bathurst Photographer  | Aura  Artistic Images
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Award winner | Julia Adams | Bathurst Photographer  | Aura  Artistic Images
© Copyright
Award winner | Julia Adams | Bathurst Photographer  | Aura  Artistic Images
Award winner | Julia Adams | Bathurst Photographer  | Aura  Artistic Images
Award winner | Julia Adams | Bathurst Photographer  | Aura  Artistic Images


Postnatal Support for families

Postnatal support for families

dads with newborns

 support for dads with new babies and their family

Domestic Violence support

Domestic violence support

parent support for infants

support for parents with babies

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